vcd program interface

creative coding
This interface was designed as a way to explore the different facets and processes within the Visual Communication Design major at Montclair State University. Each section of the interface is coded in Processing, and features different amenities and games based on the section in which it details. 


For this project, I used Processing in order to code an interactive interface. To the right is a section of the code I wrote to create the interface, and below are the visuals they created.


The home page showcases a small compilation of student works, along with a short blurb about the Visual Communication Design program at Montclair State University.


Users are able to interact with the changing size dots on the top by moving their mouse from right to left on the touchpad and can experiment with random iterations of dots in the main area.


Fail features a bouncing dialogue box on its header, and a short challenge where the user must identify the incorrect line of code.


Users can interact with the changing threshold map on the top of the page and play a typeface identification game on the main part of the screen.


Repeat features a photo of the Visual Communication Design lab, along with a short “meet the professors” for each of the program’s staff members.
