2. Initial Investigation & Mind Map
September 22, 2022
For my project, I will be creating spreads to be inserted into an existing book. The book itself will be a retelling of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, and will use the type within the story to create expressive forms that give a visual representation of what is happening at that point in the book. I will create 5 spreads based on the most important moments in the book’s plot, and insert these into the book to allow readers to have these expressive layouts integrated into their reading materials, while still being able to read the plain text book as well.
2. Initial Investigation & Mind Map
September 22, 2022
For my project, I will be creating spreads to be inserted into an existing book. The book itself will be a retelling of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, and will use the type within the story to create expressive forms that give a visual representation of what is happening at that point in the book. I will create 5 spreads based on the most important moments in the book’s plot, and insert these into the book to allow readers to have these expressive layouts integrated into their reading materials, while still being able to read the plain text book as well.
Understanding the Effect of Font Type on Reading
Comprehension/Memory under Time- Constraints:
Elizabeth Dressler
Key quote:
“Since decoding difficult font requires more cognitive engagement and attentional resources, the extra attention devoted to reading the difficult font may have been what led to previous findings. If this is the case, it could be an explanation of why participants in this study performed better when given unlimited time compared to limited time.”
Study on Typefaces and their effects – how certain typefaces are easier to understand in shorter periods of time and are easier to retain.
10 Of The Most Unconventional Books Of All Time
Charlotte Ahlin
Key quote:
“Most books follow a fairly predictable pattern. They're made up of squiggly blobs of ink on paper, or pixels on a screen. They start and the beginning and end at the end, and they usually tell some kind of a story,”
List of books that follow formats that defy the norm.
Melissa Baron
Key quote:
“What you lose with the absence of an easy, traditional format, you gain from the experience of reading such a piece. These unusually crafted novels are meant to be read carefully, sipped slowly and savored like a fine wine.”
Another list of books with unconventional formatting.
Unconventional Books:
Ship of Theseus - JJ Abrams / Doug Dorst
White is for Witching - Helen Oyeyemi
The Lover’s Dictionary - David Levithan
Illuminae - Amie Kaufman / Jay Kristoff
House of Leaves - Marc Danielewski